"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break." -- An ancient Chinese belief

"While I slept, my heart kept vigil."

"Today I kissed an angel, I knew it from the start; The first time our eyes met, I gave away my heart.

Today I kissed an angel, This angel child of mine; Though not of my creation, My child by God's design.

Today I kissed an angel, My heart is dancing wild; A family by a miracle, Blessed by this angel child."

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Charlotte's first Thanksgiving with us--we have so much more to be thankful for this year

Yikes! Charlotte was up at 5:30 this morning—-it’s been a while since she has woken this early. Poor Kristen, she too awoke and wanted to help with Charlotte. This was way too early for Kristen, so we put her back to bed and daddy brought Charlotte into the big bed with mommy to drink her morning bottle—-we thought she might drift off for a little bit, but no such luck. A little later, Charlotte had breakfast and was ready to go. Around 10 am we went across to mommy’s family’s cottage for breakfast. Charlotte enjoyed some of daddy’s poached eggs—-we haven’t given eggs to Charlotte since early days home from China when she threw up while being fed scrambled eggs—-we thought it was the eggs, which didn’t make sense because Charlotte enjoyed eggs every day we were in China; it was likely that she wasn’t feeling well.

Once Charlotte went down for her nap, mommy and daddy got to work preparing the turkeys for dinner. We just got the turkeys in the oven and some of the veggies peeled when Charlotte started to make sounds that she wanted up. While Charlotte was waiting for mommy to fill her tub, Charlotte pittled on the floor—-this shocked not only mommy and daddy, but Charlotte as well.

Charlotte’s cousins were hot to trot for Charlotte to awake from her nap and get ready so that we could return to Jubilee Park again, this time with Tim Horton’s coffee in hand. Nana treated the kids to ice cream—-Charlotte enjoyed her vanilla cone in a cup. It was a perfect day for ice cream, as it was a beautiful sunny day and was quite warm in the sun, reminiscent of late summer days, but it got cool as the sun went down late in the afternoon. Charlotte’s little hands were cool, but she didn’t want to stop playing. The kids had certainly worked up an appetite for their dinner.

This Thanksgiving, we have so much more to be thankful for; however, the lost daughters of China are never far from mommy's mind. As we gave thanks for Charlotte’s arrival and her coming into our lives, I said a silent prayer for all those who were left behind. We gave thanks for Charlotte’s travelling companions from China and hope that they will continue to build strong relationships to last their lifetimes.

Charlotte really enjoyed turkey—-while mommy was carving the turkey, Charlotte was underfoot to get little scraps close to the edge. It reminded me of days at home with my cat Simba underfoot, waiting for the smallest of morsels to drop to the floor, which he would eat up quickly before someone realized food had fallen—-it was all such a little game. Charlotte stood between mommy and the countertop with her head up and her mouth as wide as it could be just begging for turkey—-she reminded me of a little bird waiting for its mother to feed in the nest. Charlotte really enjoyed the carrots that nana cooked for her, but she’s still not too fussy about potatoes. Charlotte didn’t care for pumpkin pie so she had some ice cream instead.

After a long day, Charlotte went to bed slightly later than usual. Daddy wasn’t far behind. Mommy dosed off for a few minutes while nana cleared the table and cleaned the dishes—-no small task. Everyone was exhausted.

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