Mommy left just after 9 am to go to a dentist appointment in Scarborough. Charlotte and Daddy stayed at home to play with toys and read books. Charlotte went down for her nap around 11 am, but after 45 minutes awoke with loud cries. Daddy went in to Charlotte to find that she had thrown up in her sleep. Daddy cleaned up Charlotte and sat with her on our bed to watch a children’s show. A little later, Daddy gave Charlotte some lunch, which we gobbled up. Later in the afternoon, Charlotte became quite whiny, so Daddy put Charlotte down for a nap, again. This time, Charlotte napped for a couple of hours.
Charlotte awoke from her nap just shortly before Mommy came home. Charlotte had a bath and played with her squirting toys before going downstairs to try some of the treats that Mommy brought home from a Chinese bakery Mommy and Daddy used to frequent when they went for infertility treatments. At first, it looked like Charlotte really enjoyed the red bean bun, but then she decided she didn’t care for it. She did, however, really enjoy the egg tart filling at first, and then the pastry with the filling.
Just before dinner, Mommy tried putting away Charlotte’s laundry while talking to a friend on the phone. Charlotte was trying to be helpful by taking the folded items out of her clothes hamper, but then she would drop them on the floor unfolded. As quickly as Mommy could pick up the items Charlotte had dropped, Charlotte would have another item in hand until Mommy could get the hamper to a higher location, out of Charlotte’s reach. Mommy eventually gave up and sat in the rocking chair to continue her conversation with her friend—-Charlotte then decided that she wanted to sit in the rocking chair and made so much noise about it that Mommy couldn’t hear on the phone until she moved. Charlotte would climb up and sit in the chair very briefly and then get down again to go off and play with something else, so Mommy would sit back down. Charlotte would then fuss again and the cycle would repeat itself.
In the kitchen while getting dinner ready, Charlotte tried to help Daddy unload the dishwasher—-she was quite a good little helper, trying to lift the plates and hand them to Daddy.
Charlotte’s eating behavior was a little off at dinner—-usually she gobbles up her meat, but tonight she wasn’t really interested in pork tenderloin and chose just to eat the rice and veggies. She insisted on feeding herself, but threw most of her meat on the floor.
After dinner, Charlotte and Daddy played upstairs while Mommy continued to put Charlotte’s laundry away, until it was time to go to bed. Sweet dreams little one—-tomorrow Charlotte will meet Santa face-to-face for the first time.
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