Charlotte slept late today, waking just shortly after 9 am. We had a fairly low key day today, while Mommy worked on completing a submission for work.
After breakfast, Charlotte had a nice long bath, while playing with her tub toys. Daddy came to join us—-he made a water fountain by squirting water out of a couple of her toys. Charlotte was quite animated in the tub today and chattered quite a bit, especially when Daddy was creating the water fountain. At one point, Charlotte tried to drink from the fountain as if it were a drinking fountain but was surprised and shocked when she leaned too far forward and got water in her face. (We have a couple of short videos where Charlotte is chattering away, but I didn't think it would be appropriate to post on the blog.)
After Charlotte’s bath, Mommy bundled Charlotte up in a nice warm outfit and we went downstairs to play on the ride-on toys. Charlotte has mastered how to turn herself on the spinning top. She has the mechanics down, so now she will likely work on building up her turning speed. Dale’s children used to go crazy fast on this toy, giggling the whole time.
Charlotte had a lengthy nap today, which made lunch quite late in the day. After lunch, Charlotte and Daddy joined Mommy upstairs to read and play. Just before dinner, Mommy went to an appointment and ran some errands, so Daddy and Charlotte were on their own to eat dinner and continue playing unti bed time. Both Charlotte and Daddy were tuckered out and went to bed right on schedule.
My oldest grandson just loves this toy! I bought him his own for Christmas.