In attendance were the 5 families that travelled together to China in August, to pick up our precious daughters from their home province of Hunan, and our dear friend Catherine, who had made the same journey a year ago and provided valuable guidance and support along the way, and her daughter Hannah.
After lunch, all 11 adults and 7 children congregated in the living room by the Christmas tree so that the girls could exchange Christmas gifts—-for a short period of time, it was a mad flurry of wrapping paper, bags, and bows.
The hit of the party was the popping machine that Luannah received.
Once all the packaging was cleared away, we all gathered on the couch for a group photo. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, Charlotte just did not want any part of this, getting quite out of hand on Mommy’s knee, bordering on a melt-down.
A short while later, after Christmas greetings and best wishes were exchanged, we headed home for a much needed rest. Charlotte was asleep before we got to the 401. The ride home was just a cat nap for Charlotte, but she showed no signs of wanting to continue her nap in her own crib. The rest of the evening was spent preparing the last minute things for Charlotte's big day tomorrow.
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