Mommy and Daddy enjoyed their morning coffee in the living room while Charlotte continued to take apart the foam puzzle on the floor, much to Daddy’s chagrin. Charlotte had pulled quite a few of the pieces apart yesterday afternoon—-as quickly as Daddy tried to put it back together, Charlotte pulled another piece apart, so Daddy gave up and sat down to talk with Mommy.
Charlotte, bundled up in her winter coat, hat, mitts, and boots, walked outside to investigate the new fallen snow, which she hasn’t seen a lot of.
Shortly after 9:30 am, we were off to take our glass insert for the door that leads to the basement to a stained glass studio in Port Perry to fix one of the panes that we discovered was broken during Charlotte’s Open House in September—-it’s taken quite some time to find someone who can fix the pane of glass. For most of the trip to Port Perry, Charlotte was quite content to watch Toy Story 3 DVD; however, we weren’t so lucky on the return trip home. After a couple of snacks, Charlotte continued to fuss. Charlotte’s morning routine was thrown off by waking up so early this morning. Mommy really had to work at getting Charlotte engaged in the movie again.
Mommy tried to capture on video Charlotte putting her wooden puzzles together—-last night, Charlotte put all three wooden puzzles together fairly quickly, without much help or coaching from Daddy. They worked so hard on this yesterday, but I couldn’t get Charlotte to cooperate as well today. She eventually did so, but I think she wasn’t as focused this afternoon as she was last night.
Daddy, Mommy, and Charlotte played on the floor of Charlotte’s room for quite some time this afternoon. At one point, Daddy and Charlotte pretended to be napping on the floor; however, Daddy went one step further and fell asleep on his own bed for a few minutes until Mommy caught him in the act.
After lunch, Mommy and Charlotte went for a walk around the block and then to the park--Charlotte walked around a small section of the park, exploring the snow. At first, Charlotte would not walk in the snow without holding Mommy’s hand. I think Charlotte found it unusual to have to lift her booted foot so high to walk through the snow. We returned home a little more than an hour later, when Charlotte refused to keep her mitts on—-it was too cold not to wear mitts. Just moments before arriving home, Charlotte started to fuss a little, likely starting to feel a little cold.
After dinner, Charlotte enjoyed a nice long warm bath that ended when Charlotte wouldn’t stop drinking the bath water. Tonight while getting Charlotte ready for bed, Charlotte presented Mommy with her foot and leg and motioned for Mommy to massage her with cream—-this is a break through, as Charlotte has been all that interested to date in Mommy massaging her. Charlotte then asked to have cream put on her arms and hands. Mommy then took the liberty to massage Charlotte’s chest; it was the strangest reaction—-Charlotte just went completely still and relaxed. Mommy then asked Charlotte if she would like some cream on her back. It was so wonderful to hear Charlotte make a soft relaxing sound when Mommy started to rub her back. Mommy is learning to read Charlotte’s cues and tonight was the most massage that Mommy has been able to do in a very long time.
Dressed in her pyjamas, Charlotte and Daddy worked on a puzzle for a few minutes while Mommy got Charlotte’s bottle ready. When Mommy arrived at the door and asked Charlotte if she was ready for bed, she said “no” and shook her head, but when she was put into bed, she immediately reached for her bottle and motioned to Mommy that she forgot to turn on her aquarium music. Charlotte had a busy day and was ready for her rest. I wonder what time Charlotte will awake tomorrow morning.
Let's see-fresh air, midday nap, more fresh air and exercise, hot food, a warm massage, and warm milk-could there be a more perfect day?