Daddy took Charlotte to her Creative Toddler’s class so that Mommy could work from home. Mommy didn’t register Charlotte for this class in December, so it has been a little while since Charlotte has seen some of her friends from this class. Daddy reported that Charlotte is doing much better, staying more focused during story time and completing more of the actions to the songs, even trying to sing along. I love to hear Charlotte’s little tinkling voice when she sings.
Charlotte stayed awake the whole ride home; however, when Daddy went to get Charlotte out of her car seat, her eyes were closed. When Daddy went to pick up Charlotte out of her seat, she started to make fake crying sounds (“wah wah”). Charlotte has never faked out Daddy like this before—-Daddy couldn’t believe it and retold the events to Mommy immediately after walking in the front door.
After lunch, Charlotte played in the office, sometimes with things she shouldn’t, despite the constant stream of “no’s” from Mommy and Daddy, while Mommy worked and Daddy played on-line poker occasionally. Charlotte’s newest interest these days is getting into the office closet and opening and closing the closet door.
While Mommy was working, she put on a CD of Chinese Lullabies that she purchased at the ROM last week. As soon as the first song came on, within a couple of beats, Charlotte’s head whipped around to look where the music was coming from and then she started singing sweetly. It was like she recognized the song. A few moments later, she came over to me and leaned against my legs while she swayed to the music and continued to sing. Mommy was very surprised by Charlotte’s reaction to this music.
A little while later, while the music was still playing, Charlotte came over to Mommy’s knee, laid her head down, and motioned for Mommy to place her hands on Charlotte’s head and rub/massage. Charlotte used to do this when we would drive home from the cottage, particularly when it was dark out and close to her bedtime—-Charlotte would pull Mommy’s hand to the back of her neck for Mommy to rub it. Charlotte would calm right down.
Charlotte continues to make this sound that begs for an action on our part. Along with this sound, Charlotte also makes motions with her hands for you to participate. Today, while I was sitting at my desk, Charlotte wanted me to get on the floor to play with her, so she put her hand on the side of my leg and applied pressure in a pulling action while making her begging sound. She is definitely figuring out ways to communicate when she doesn’t have the words to do so.
After dinner, Charlotte enjoyed a nice long bath; for the first time, Charlotte actually relaxed in Mommy’s arms in the tub so that she could wash Charlotte’s hair. Bathtime over, it was time to get ready for bed. Mommy gave Charlotte’s finger and toe nails a much needed trim.
Up to this point, Charlotte has occasionally practiced saying the word “no” but not as an answer to a question or a request. Tonight, Charlotte started to say “no” and shake her head no at the same time when she didn’t want something. She reminds me of a mini-me, as I realize that is what I do for emphasis.
Charlotte still continues to play her game where she puckers up for a kiss and then pulls away, putting her chin to her chest and making a frown to avoid kissing the recipient. Usually a fake cry by the recipient provokes Charlotte to give a plethora of kisses, but not so these days. We sometimes have to really coax her or steal kisses—-tonight, Mommy decided to steal lots of kisses. Charlotte eventually gave Daddy a kiss and then wanted more.
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