After such a busy day yesterday and going to bed late (10:30 pm), Mommy thought Charlotte would sleep in for sure—-NOPE! Charlotte was awake earlier than usual—-before 8 am. Mommy was still lying in bed, denying that it was morning and time to get up, when Charlotte started to let us know that she was ready to get out of her crib.
Charlotte enjoyed her morning bottle on the couch in the living room while Mommy and Daddy had coffee and reminisced about yesterday and made plans for the rest of the week. In usual fashion, Charlotte pulled up a number of the characters and letters out of the floor foam puzzle, placing them on her wrist. She likes to carry them around with her. So, while Mommy and Daddy washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen from last night’s family Christmas dinner, Charlotte, with foam puzzle pieces on her wrist and a rollof masking tape, played with her ball popping machine that she got from Santa. Our girl likes to multi-task.
After breakfast, Mommy and Charlotte unpacked some of her new toy. Daddy gave Mommy such grief over buying the animal puppets; but, in usual fashion, Mommy ignored Daddy’s grumblings and gave them to Charlotte for Christmas. It was well worth it to see the look on Charlotte’s face when Mommy took them out of the packaging, which was absolutely crazy—-I can’t believe how much plastic and tape is used to keep merchandise in its packaging to discourage theft. As soon as Mommy put the sheep puppet on Charlotte’s hand, she turned her hand so that the puppet was facing her and she said “baaaaa” and then gave it a kiss—-she is just such a cutie patootie. I am just so incredibly in love with this beautiful little girl—-I don’t think I could love her more if she were born from my womb. Being born in the heart has been such an incredible journey. Those long cold years of waiting have been melted away by this special little girl we have the privilege of calling “our daughter.” Charlotte’s tummy mommy will be forever in my heart and mind—-we pray that she knows that Charlotte is well-loved and cared for.
Charlotte's morning nap was almost 3 hours long—-Charlotte has had a lot of really late nights lately and some days she even missed her nap. Charlotte woke up well-rested and ready to go. Mommy was feeling a little sluggish today, so we decided to enjoy a quiet day at home in our pyjamas, putting away Christmas gifts, playing with Charlotte, and rejuvenating ourselves for the next round of visitations.
Today, Charlotte started to say something very close to “stuck” and “cheese.” She still continues to work on “Katie” and “apple.”
After a much needed rest day, Charlotte went to bed at 8 pm, on schedule. Rest my beauty--we have another busy day tomorrow.
Love the video. I also laughed when I saw that she is saying "stuck" and "cheese" because my son regularly begs to go to Chuck E Cheese and they sound alike.