Daddy reported that Charlotte woke up just before 9 am. Mommy is glad that with Daddy home to watch her, Charlotte has the opportunity to catch up on her sleep, as Charlotte has another busy day today.
Charlotte and Daddy went out for their weekly Tuesday lunch with a couple of Daddy’s friends (3 men and a little lady). Charlotte enjoyed some of Daddy’s lunch; Don shared some of his home-fries with Charlotte—-usually she helps herself to Don’s French fries right off his plate.
Charlotte went down for her nap shortly after arriving home, but slept for just short of one hour, shorter than usual. As usual, Daddy waged a battle with Charlotte’s socks and lost, again.
Mommy called Daddy when she was close to home, so it was no surprise to find Charlotte and Daddy at the living room window waiting for Mommy to arrive. When Charlotte saw Mommy on the walkway, a big smile came over Charlotte’s face as she went crazy with excitement, calling “momma” and banging on the window. When Mommy opened the porch door, Charlotte ran to the front door to greet Mommy. Charlotte was all over the screen door, banging and calling "momma," and pressing her lips to the glass for kisses. Charlotte couldn't wait for Mommy to get in the door to get kisses. Mommy will never tire of this greeting when she comes home.
Mommy started the evening routine a little earlier than usual, as she had a meeting to go to. Charlotte enjoyed a bath and as expected, didn’t want to have her hair washed. As usual, Charlotte became quite animated, meowing like a kitty, when Mommy wrapped her up in her hooded kitty towel. On the change table, Mommy bundled up Charlotte and then cuddled and kissed her until she didn't want any more.
Mommy then massaged Charlotte with lotion--Charlotte always wants to rub lotion on her cheeks or tummy, but she ends up putting it in her mouth. Mommy has no idea if it tastes good, but no amount of coaxing not to do so persuades Charlotte to stop. Thank goodness this lotion is made for children, so I suspect this has been taken into account in the formula. Charlotte likes it when Mommy rubs her feet and sings the “This little piggy…” rhyme while wiggling her toes. When Daddy is there, she has each of us play with a foot and sing the rhyme—-she giggles so much during the “wee wee wee all the way home” part. When Mommy put on her pink and red kitty sleepers, Charlotte immediately started to meow like a kitty.
Charlotte jumped up on Daddy’s knee at his desk to play Sesame Street toddler games on Daddy’s computer. Charlotte was quite taken with the stories and called out “Elmo” when she saw him and any other figure that was either red or looked like Elmo. Charlotte was quite fascinated with Daddy’s portable speaker, holding it to her ear as if she were on the telephone.
After a little while, Charlotte lost interest and strongly urged Daddy (puts her hand behind his back and pulls forward while yelling “Daddy”) to go to her room to play—-Daddy very quickly obliged his little girl. Mommy joined Charlotte and Daddy for a few minutes before leaving for her meeting. Charlotte immediately begged (patting the floor) Mommy to sit on the floor and then she went and closed the door. We think Charlotte thinks that by closing the door, we can’t leave.
Despite Mommy’s encouragement for Charlotte to stay and play with Daddy, Charlotte insisted on walking Mommy to the front door when she had to leave—-at the door, Charlotte tried to hand Mommy her briefcase, which was way too heavy for her, but she gave it her best effort. It was so cute to watch Charlotte try to pick up the briefcase that is likely heavier than she is, but she still tried. Charlotte was much more successful passing Mommy her purse, which was still a bit of a challenge. Charlotte insisted on more kisses and then waved bye bye to Mommy without tears. Daddy and Charlotte returned upstairs to play for a little while before it was time for bed.
If only every baby had the chance to sleep until nature woke them. And if only all of us could sleep as bonelessly as they do!