Charlotte awoke from her nap after 1:30 pm, but played in her crib for a little while. Charlotte was quite animated when Mommy went in to get Charlotte out of her crib, which she didn’t want to do right away—-Mommy had to convince her. For lunch, Daddy gave Charlotte a yoghurt to eat on her own while he was on the phone—-bad decision; Charlotte got it in her hair, on her clothes, on the floor, and all over the tray of her highchair—-not sure how much she actually consumed. Mommy had planned on giving Charlotte a bath before going out, but now she definitely needed one. Mommy had quite a job getting Charlotte cleaned up enough to be able to climb the stairs, which she did quite enthusiastically—-Charlotte loves her bath time.
Charlotte put up quite a fuss when it came time to wash her hair—-no short-cuts could be taken today, as she had yoghurt embedded in her hair. Mommy tried laying Charlotte in her arm in the tub, but Charlotte just wiggled and screamed the whole time, so much so that Daddy came into the bathroom to find out what all the fuss was about, which was more than usual. Mommy tried to show Charlotte that there was nothing to be afraid of—-for a short time, Charlotte actually laid on the bottom of the tub, with her ears in the water, but Charlotte was too upset to realize that everything was okay. There was nothing Mommy could do to calm down Charlotte except finish the job and resume playing with toys. Charlotte was fine once the washing was finished, chattering and laughing as if nothing had happened. When Charlotte began to shiver, she stood up and proclaimed that bath time was “all done.”
While Mommy dressed Charlotte, Mommy and Charlotte practised saying “touchdown” (a word she learned at the Grey Cup party) while raising our hands in the air in preparation for this afternoon’s big football game. Charlotte would get quite excited and proceed to dance, shout, and wave her arms around.
When we arrived at Wendy’s mom’s, Charlotte made the rounds, saying “hi” to everyone, but especially David V who gave her a cheesie, one of her favourite snacks. At the Grey Cup party, Charlotte was quite fond of David, so it was not surprising that she would gravitate to him again. She frequently wanted to sit on his lap and to share her treats with him, as she did at the last party.
Charlotte received 2 Valentine bears from Joan—-she couldn’t decide which one to get for Charlotte so she decided to get both; Charlotte’s a lucky girl.
Charlotte befriended Jackie (Wendy’s mom) earlier in the evening, drinking her gingerale from a straw. At dinner time, Charlotte befriended Eileen, eating her French fries and then later eating some of her chocolate chip cookie (later in the evening, Charlotte found the spot in the kitchen cupboard where the cookies were stored to which she helped herself and then wanted to serve to others). Everyone was so happy to cater to Charlotte’s every wish—-Mommy and Daddy are so blessed to have such wonderful friends to share this beautiful journey of life with Charlotte.
For dinner, we enjoyed pizza, chicken wings, and other finger foods. As Mommy was preparing a plate of food for Charlotte and Daddy, Karen (our lawyer) taught Charlotte who was now standing on a dining room chair how to “demand” food: bang her hands on the dining room table. The two of them would giggle and laugh every time Charlotte banged the table, which wasn’t very loud or hard.
Karen, wearing her cheese hat (Wisconsin fan), shows Charlotte how to demand food by banging on the table.
Charlotte really didn’t eat much, but she had been snacking since arriving, so Mommy wasn’t worried. For dessert, we had vanilla custard and mango custard cream puffs from a Japanese bakery in the Pacific Mall—-they were really good. Charlotte enjoyed a little bit of Mommy’s cream puff and then enjoyed some of Daddy’s when he had one later in the evening.
At the appropriate times during the game, Charlotte would shout “touch down.” Mommy and Daddy would get her to do it even when there wasn’t one just to hear her cute little voice.
At half-time, Charlotte distributed her Chinese New Year red envelopes and wished everyone a happy new year in Mandarin, with Mommy’s help. Charlotte hasn’t had much chocolate to date, but tonight she gobbled up a couple of the chocolate coins and wanted more. After moving the bag with extra coins several times, Mommy had to eventually hide the bag to get Charlotte to leave them alone. For dessert, we had home-made apple crisp with vanilla ice cream. Charlotte had a couple of mouthfuls of ice cream and then didn’t want any more—-she was more interested in finishing off Jackie’s gingerale.
Charlotte enjoyed playing with Marcel and Wendy who are really good with small children—-they don’t have any problems getting on the floor at a child’s level and playing with them. Charlotte enjoyed discovering the contents of one of Wendy’s mom’s kitchen drawers. Eventually, the drawer was put on the floor and Charlotte climbed right inside to get that much closer to all the interesting things-—all sorts of balls, spinners, and small toys.
Just after 10 pm, once the football game was over, Charlotte was still going strong. While everyone was getting ready to leave, Charlotte decided to put on Wendy’s boots-—it took some engineering and strength for Charlotte to walk in them, but she eventually succeeded. When it was time to leave, Charlotte didn’t want to take off the boots.
Charlotte fell asleep by the time we got to the 401 and was sound asleep when we pulled into the driveway at home. Mommy carried Charlotte into the house and started to take off Charlotte’s outerwear when she started to cough and gag. While Charlotte lay on the change table, Mommy rubbed and patted Charlotte’s chest and back, which helped to settle Charlotte’s coughing. When Mommy was sure that Charlotte wasn’t going to spit up any more, Mommy and Daddy tucked Charlotte into bed. Mommy and Daddy weren’t far behind Charlotte going to bed, as it was after 11:30 pm—-it had been a long day. Mommy hopes that Charlotte doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night as she has the last couple of nights.
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