Catherine and Hannah greeted us at the airport. It was so nice to see a familiar face, as Dave had instructed my family not to waste money on parking at the airport, as we were uncertain how long we would be detained at customs and immigration. My sister and Kaitlyn drove around the airport 9 times before we arrived. She was harrassed a few times by the parking official.
Once the initial introductions were made and the luggage loaded, we went to my mom's for a little welcome home gathering for Charlotte. Charlotte received her very first wrapped gifts from my family. Kaitlyn, Gregory, and Kristen were very helpful with the unwrappting. Charlotte received her very own Pricess suitcase that was filled with new outfits. Since Charlotte is a little on the small side, she will have to do some growing before they fit.
We had to put the celebration on hold, as Charlotte threw up. We just got her cleaned up and into another outfit when she threw up again. Kristen lent us one of her T-shirts to put on Charlotte--it looked like a long nightgown on her. We quickly packed up our stuff and got our little one home as quickly as we could. Fortunately, my sister still had a playpen from when her children were younger, so we borrowed it so that Charlotte could sleep in our room. So, Charlotte's first sleep in her own crib in her own room will have to wait for another day when she is feeling better.
Charlotte slept the whole night and awoke Saturday morning on schedule, as usual, around 6 am. She joined Dave and I in our bed and had a little catnap with us. She seemed to be back to herself, so we toddled off to Durham, Ontario for a memorial service. Unfortunately, Charlotte threw up a couple of times. We stopped at Shoppers Drug Mart on the way home--the pharmacist thinks Charlotte is suffering from motion sickness, so she gave us some medication to help.
Charlotte slept through the night again and woke up at her usual time. Charlotte and I enjoyed a slice of toast and diluted apple juice for breakfast. At around 8:30 am, Charlotte wanted to go down for a nap. I sat with her for a while reading my book. I managed to read about 10 pages before I nodded off, intending to get up in a few minutes to continue the laundry and unpacking. I drifted in and out several times, but didn't actually get up until 5:30 pm. Charlotte didn't get up until after 7 pm. Our days and nights are really mixed up these days. Dave seems to have weathered the time change a lot better than we have.
After feeding, playing, and splashing in a sink of water with some water toys, Charlotte finally went down after 2 am. I'm not sure if she's down for a nap or her night's sleep. Daddy is also fast asleep. Now I am sleepless in Ajax. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Tomorrow, I have an appointment at Health Canada to get an OHIP card for Charlotte.
I'm sure each day will be an adventure as we work through the motion sickness and jet lag and try to create a schedule for our little family.
It'll take a while to get your body clocks back on ET. Get out in the sun as much as you can because that will help!
ReplyDeleteTake it easy and you'll have your sleep caught up in no time!
The thumbsucking picture is priceless. It took us about two weeks to get not exactly a schedule, but something close to the rest of the family. Hope Charlotte is well soon.