We had a really relaxing day today. Charlotte and daddy played, while mommy puttered about and set up her new craft area in the basement, organized the book shelves in Charlotte’s room and in the basement, and finished the laundry that needs to be returned to the cottage for the winter. Charlotte really enjoys books with animals, so she was quite taken with the animal shows that daddy was watching—-Charlotte enjoyed snacking on Cheerios while sitting in a car seat that will eventually be put in mommy’s car with daddy in his favourite chair beside her.
For dinner, we introduced Charlotte to lamb chops—-mommy’s favourite and Charlotte seems to really enjoy. After dinner, we played ball with Charlotte—-she has become quite good at catching a rolled ball and then rolling it back.
Charlotte continues to pinch mommy, but not as much as yesterday. She has also turned her aggression on herself. She frequently sets her teeth into her hand when she gets frustrated. I really hope this stage is short-lived. I thought this behaviour would stop once she started biting herself, but perhaps she isn’t biting as hard as when she bites an object or someone else. It was hard not to laugh, but when I would firmly say “no” about biting or pinching, usually with a stern look on my face, she would melt me by puckering up and wanting a kiss, followed with a peek-a-boo. This little angel certainly has us twisted around her little finger—-she’s a peacemaker, for sure.
Charlotte was off to bed at her usual time—-I wonder what time this little angel will awake tomorrow morning.
My youngest grandson is a biter. If no one is around, he bites himself. He is an adorable, loveable little boy, but I would suggest that you record any sensory behaviors like this. It could be a sign of a sensory integration/sensory processing problem. Our grandson's behavior is largely adaptive because his brother has a SI/SP disorder. His brother is overly sensitive and cannot handle a lot of sensory input so the younger one becomes a sensory seeker. Any feeling is better than no feeling-this includes pain. It may be just a phase, but if you think it's lasting longer than it should, it's worth looking into. Nothing to freak out about; just something to watch.
ReplyDelete(Sorry you didn't get that easy morning you were hoping for)