Charlotte played a lot more with her farm set today. She really likes animals and daddy works with her identifying the animals by name and the sound they make. Today I asked Charlotte to pass me the cow—-I wasn’t really sure if she would or not. I sort of expected her to pass me the lamb, as that appears to be her favourite animal right now. Charlotte looked at all the animals on the floor, then picked up the cow and said “moo” as she gave me the cow. I was totally blown away.
Charlotte continues to work with daddy on identifying the parts of the body-—Charlotte is fairly consistent with pointing to her nose, ears, hair, teeth, and tongue. It also sounds like Charlotte is trying to say her name. She clearly articulates “up,” “bye, bye,” and “hi.” She is working on “down,” “dirty,” and “pretty.”
Charlotte enjoys sitting in her pink princess chair. She has learned that she can rock back in the chair, but says “oh, oh” as she does so. It was so cute today—-I played this game with Charlotte that whenever she would get up from her chair, I would say “sit” and she would do so with a little chuckle. She would try to sneak out of the chair and sit on the floor.
Charlotte continues to enjoy stacking things and then knocking them down. Usually, daddy does the stacking and before he finishes, Charlotte’s ready to knock them down.
Charlotte enjoys interacting with a dragon puppet that a dear friend of mine gave her. At first she was afraid or it, then she was a little guarded but intrigued, and now she gives it kisses. It’s interesting to watch Charlotte—-she looks at me when I’m speaking as the puppet, but she looks at the puppet like it’s real. Charlotte will even wear the puppet after I’ve worn it and try to make it move. It’s very odd-—I wonder what’s going through her mind.
After lunch, we watched a wildlife program on the National Geographic channel while lying on mommy’s and daddy’s big bed. Charlotte was quite interested in the leopard cub—-she was so cute. Charlotte wanted to play on our bed a lot. She was actually a little cuddlier than she usually is. She quite enjoyed lying back on stacked-up pillows. She did end up watching a little bit of a poker tournament on TV with daddy.
Later in the afternoon, one of daddy’s fellow math retirees (mommy’s grade 12 math teacher) and his wife came by for a visit. Charlotte really enjoyed their visit, giving many kisses and “hi fives.”
We then took a quick trip to Costco—-mommy can never get out of that store without spending at least $100 and today was no exception. When we got home, mommy got Charlotte ready for bed and had planned on playing and reading stories for about 30 minutes before putting Charlotte to bed; however, Charlotte was really whining in daddy’s lap and rubbing her eyes. It was a few minutes early, but we decided to put her to bed. While daddy carried Charlotte to her room, she put her thumb in her mouth—-she hasn't done this in a long time, but it's a sure sign that she’s tired and wants to go to bed. So, let’s hope she stays asleep all night and breaks the pattern of the last couple of nights of waking up just before midnight.
It's amazing how fast they develop their vocabulary after coming home. Sounds like she's right on track. And if she starts saying, I'll raise you ten, then you know who to blame, right?