Mommy, daddy, Kaitlyn, and Kristen took Charlotte for a walk uptown to deliver milk bags to a free-trade coffee vendor in town who saves them for an organization that makes children’s sleep bags or flooring for use in third-world countries. We stopped at Tim Horton’s for coffee and a treat with the girls. We were a couple of blocks away from our cottage when Charlotte fell asleep. Fortunately, Charlotte stayed asleep when mommy put her in her crib. While Charlotte napped, we played Phase 10 with the girls—-they absolutely love playing cards. Nana joined us partway through.
Again, one by one, the rest of the family drifted over to our place. Once everyone was together and Charlotte was up from her nap, we headed to a local farmer’s farm and market to buy the perfect pumpkin for Hallowe’en-—this has been a family tradition since Kaitlyn was born. Mommy bought a couple of little pumpkins that she might paint, as they are too small for carving. Charlotte was quite attached to a teeny, tiny pumpkin, so now we have a family of 3 small pumpkins that mommy will display as our family.
With pumpkins safely stowed away in the back of the vans, we headed over to Jubilee Park for the cousins’ final visit of the season—-the last day of cottage season is always so sad.
It cooled off really quickly and felt like it was going to rain, so it was time to head back to the cottages to have an early dinner of turkey leftovers so that the family could get on their way home at a decent time. While waiting for the family to join us for dinner, daddy read a story to Charlotte while sitting in daddy’s favourite chair. I think this is the first time that I’ve seen Charlotte sit so long while engaged in a book—-daddy says it has happened before, but I don’t think it was for this long. Daddy was asking Charlotte questions about where things are in the book—-when asked where the baby’s eyes are, she correctly pointed to them in the book. Charlotte is making great strides in understanding our language—-we are so pleased.
Kaitlyn and Kristen played a game with Charlotte where they would hide in her room and call her name. As Charlotte would approach her room, peaking around the corner of the door frame, one of the girls would run out of the room making a lot of noise with their feet. Charlotte would be so excited that she was unable to move despite trying to run away. During this play, several of us thought we heard Charlotte say her name, or something very close to it.
When Kaitlyn was small, she would frequently cry for some time after I left from visiting. Well, now it was my turn to be left with the crying child when Auntie Dale and Kaitlyn left. Charlotte calmed down as daddy read her stories in his big chair. Mommy decided to put Charlotte to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual, figuring that the few minutes wouldn’t make much of a difference. Yikes! What a mistake. Around 10 pm, Charlotte started coughing a little but it didn’t wake her up. Daddy was also coughing in the room right beside Charlotte’s. When mommy went to bed a little while later, she opened the door of Charlotte’s room so that air could circulate. Mommy couldn’t fall asleep—-every time Charlotte coughed, mommy’s eyes popped open. Around 11:30, Charlotte awoke crying and would not go back to sleep. Mommy made her a bottle, which she drank while sitting with daddy, but she had no intention of sleeping. So daddy sent mommy to bed and played with Charlotte in her room for about an hour before they both fell asleep on the bed in her room.
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