Today, we went to visit our friends, Walter and Fran, who are teaching abroad in England and were home for a visit. They invited us to their home to have a play date with their grandsons, Wesley (4) and Nathan (almost 2). Charlotte had a great time interacting with the boys. We commented several times how well the children played with one another—-no disagreements and lots of sharing.
Walter and Fran had just set up a tent in their living room just moments before we arrived—the boys were having great fun running in and out of the tent. Charlotte was a bit apprehensive about the whole thing, holding back and watching the boys play. Eventually, Charlotte did venture into the tent, but didn’t stay inside long. Nathan also shared his toy train with Charlotte, which he apparently has not parted with since he got it on the weekend. He did, however, keep a close eye on Charlotte when she had it, but didn’t try to take it away from her.
We stayed for lunch and had lasagna and salad and banana splits for dessert. Charlotte enjoyed cucumber for the first time and gobbled it up.
After lunch, Nathan went down for a nap and Wesley and Charlotte enjoyed some playtime outdoors.
Around 3 pm, we headed home—-we weren’t far down the road before Charlotte was asleep. She continued her nap for a short time after we got home.
Charlotte is getting better at going up the stairs, but hasn’t tried to come down the stairs yet; however, we really haven’t given her much of a chance to do so, as we’re always close behind. Charlotte does like to sit on the steps. I wonder if she’s counting the seconds in her head to see who can get her to the quickest, as she always has this little devilish look on her face when we pick her up and bring her back to where we are, which is usually in the kitchen.
Mommy went out for dinner with some friends, so daddy and Charlotte were on their own for the evening. Daddy put Charlotte to bed a little earlier than usual. This could mean trouble tomorrow morning.
Hopefully the day tired her out and she will sleep right through to morning and wake up happy! Lovely pictures.