I gently woke up Charlotte a little before 8 am, as she had a pediatrician’s appointment at 9 am. How often does it happen that you have a doctor’s appointment just when you’re not feeling well? Charlotte definitely has a cold—-her nose is running and she has quite a cough. The doctor was very happy with Charlotte’s progress: she is now 24.42 lb (up from 22.13 lb on September 27) at the 50th percentile for North America; she is 83 cm tall (up from 79.2 cm on September 27) at the 75th percentile for North America; her height to weight ratio is at the 90th percentile for Southern China. Today, Charlotte also received 2 vaccinations and the flu shot—poor little thing; she was so upset, but it was short-lived, especially after the doctor gave her a sticker on her hand. Mommy felt this visit deserved some ice cream or popsicles as an “all better” treat.
Charlotte fell asleep on the way home—-Mommy was able to carry Charlotte all the way upstairs, into her room, and almost had her into her crib before she opened her eyes, but she didn’t fight going down for a nap with her bottle. Charlotte awoke about an hour and a half later a little distressed—-at some point, Charlotte had thrown up during her nap—-Mommy’s hoping that it was just before she woke up. She had vomit in her hair, on her clothes, all over the sheets of her crib, and on her blanket that she managed to get herself tangled up in. What a mess, so it was straight to the tub. Charlotte enjoyed a long bubble bath with her tub toys until she started to shiver.
While playing this afternoon, out of the blue, Charlotte said something that sounded like “oh, dear.”
Mommy and Charlotte enjoyed a little quiet time on Mommy’s bed while watching a show. At one point, Mommy thought that Charlotte might just drift off to sleep. This was the longest that Charlotte has cuddled with Mommy. She was quite content to lie back on stacked pillows snuggled up to Mommy. However, she was up right away when she heard Daddy come in from running an errand—-she had cried frantically when he left earlier in the afternoon. Daddy took her downstairs for a little snack, an orange popsicle, which she threw on the floor, refusing to eat. I guess she doesn’t like orange. This didn't surprise Mommy, as Charlotte won't eat oranges.
For dinner, Charlotte had turkey, which she absolutely loves. She pushed her potatoes and carrots around on her plate until Daddy started to feed her with his fork. It was cute to watch her separate the items on her plate, putting the items she didn’t want all on one side.
After dinner, Charlotte and Mommy watched “Frosty, the Snowman,” Charlotte’s very first Christmas show. Charlotte watched the whole show, but started to fuss close to the end--she started rubbing her eyes and yawning, which she doesn't do very often. Since it was a little too early to put her to bed, Mommy started “Return of Frosty.” Charlotte wiggled off Mommy’s lap and laid on her tummy at the bottom of the bed to watch the show. Not long after, Charlotte was sound asleep—-it was only 7:30 pm. When it looked like this wasn’t just a catnap, Mommy carried Charlotte into her room to get her ready for bed. While on the change table, Charlotte struggled to turn over onto her stomach to go to sleep. When she was placed in her crib, she laid on her back but wouldn’t take her bottle—-she was too tired to drink it. Sweet dreams, baby Charlotte.