Mommy and Charlotte went to church alone, as Daddy was asked to fill in a spot at a poker tournament. Fortunately, Auntie Dale, Uncle Pete, Gregory, and Kristen met us at the church. The last time Mommy took Charlotte to church on her own, we had to leave partway through the service, as Charlotte just wanted to run around and make noise. Since we had to go out into the fireplace room, I figured it was easier to look after her at home. Church is during Charlotte’s regular nap time, so this is likely why she can be difficult.
However, Charlotte was very good today in church. She sat very well in her stroller, looking around at everyone, and sang along at the appropriate times in the service. At the end of one of the hymns, Charlotte said “all done”—-it was so cute. Charlotte was exceptionally good during the sermon—-she ate her cookie and drank milk from her sippy cup without firing either of them across the room or dropping them on the floor.
There was another little girl wandering around—-Mommy was worried that Charlotte would want to join her, but she really didn’t push it too much. Luckily, Mommy brought the dragon puppet, which both girls enjoyed Mommy playing with them.
Charlotte continued to be quite generous with her kisses—-today it was a little easier to get Charlotte to blow kisses instead. During coffee hour, Charlotte was still in good spirits so Mommy was able to visit with a few people.
After church, Auntie Dale, Uncle Pete, Gregory, and Kristen came back to the house for lunch.
Charlotte visiting with her cousin Kristen
Since Charlotte enjoyed baked salmon so much last night, Mommy decided to give Charlotte a canned salmon sandwich…she didn’t care for it too much. Charlotte also tried a small piece of dill pickle, which she really didn’t care for—-she made the cutest scrunched up face once she tasted the pickle. Charlotte also tried a sweet mixed pickle, which she licked a couple of times and then threw on the floor. Auntie Dale’s children really liked pickles at a very young age, so we thought we’d give it a try—-maybe another day.
Uncle Pete shut off and drained our irrigation system and Auntie Dale helped Mommy put a car seat in Mommy’s car. Uncle Pete and Daddy enjoyed a little snooze on the couches in the living room while Mommy, Auntie Dale, and Kristen played with Charlotte in her room. Time passes so quickly when you’re watching a child play-—Charlotte did some really cute things. For the first time, Charlotte pulled out all the blankets from the bottom shelf of the change table and wrapped herself in a number of them and then snuggled into the pile—-we thought that she may be tired, but it was just a game. At one point, Charlotte, Kristen, and Gregory were chasing each other up and down the bedroom hallway. For the second day in a row, Mommy and Auntie Dale enjoyed a nice long visit.
Charlotte went to bed at her usual time of 8 pm. Tonight, along with waving good night, Charlotte also moved her eyebrows up and down. In the last couple of days, Charlotte has discovered moving her eyebrows in different ways to get a reaction from us.
Mommy wonders what time Charlotte will get up tomorrow morning.
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