Charlotte enjoyed her first class, meeting some new children and playing with some children she knows from her “Music and Movement” class on Fridays. Today, Charlotte was introduced to gluing different shapes onto paper; although, the activity was to create a car. Mommy didn’t get hung up on the details; actually, Mommy didn’t read the instruction sheet on the table, but that’s okay as Charlotte sort of shied away from touching the paper shapes, but she was more than interested in grabbing the sticks that were in the glue pot. It looked like the children at the paint centre were having a lot of fun, but they were getting really covered in paint. Mommy decided to save this treat for another day when Charlotte is wearing older clothes that are darker colours. Charlotte really enjoyed playing with the trucks with the boys. Charlotte surprised Mommy today—-she took a toy away from a child, which is odd behaviour for her; she’s usually giving things to people. Charlotte had fun moving from activity to activity. Before we knew it, it was time to sing our good-bye song and prepare to go home.
This afternoon, Charlotte and Mommy enjoyed a nice visit with the Worthingtons (one of the families in our China travel group; Kate resided in the same orphanage as Charlotte—-their cribs were beside each other). Kate turned one year old October 25, so Charlotte had a little gift for Kate.
It was fascinating to watch Kate and Charlotte interact. At first, Charlotte was timid and shy with Kate, but we later discovered that perhaps Kate’s helmet was frightening Charlotte. Once the helmet was removed, Charlotte opened right up, playing with Kate and giving kisses. Both moms were pleased how well the girls played together.
It was so good to chat with Casey and Elisabeth and catch up on Kate’s progress. We’ve all been so busy helping our daughters to adjust to their new lives in a new country and getting on top of the health issues. We’re looking forward to another play date in the near future.
After an early dinner, we were went out to Oshawa to visit Grandma and Grandpa (Daddy’s Daddy and his wife)—-tomorrow morning, Grandpa is having laser eye surgery to remove a cataract. Grandma gave Charlotte a lovely hand-knit sweater that she made in our favourite colours—-shades of pink and purple. Charlotte will be cozy warm on our walks this winter.
Charlotte was off to bed about 8:45 pm. I wonder what time she will wake up tomorrow morning after going to bed later than usual and missing her nap today; however, she did grab a catnap on the way to and from the Worthingtons’ this afternoon.
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