Today, Mommy and Daddy both participated with Charlotte at her Music and Movement class. Charlotte enjoyed the class, but I don’t think she remembers her little friend Melia from two weeks ago—-Melia wanted to hold Charlotte’s hand and she didn’t want to. Whenever Melia got too close to Charlotte, she would push her away. Mommy felt really bad for Melia—-she’s a really cute little girl who is just a little older than Charlotte. Her mommy kept telling her that it was okay, but Mommy was a little embarrassed. Mommy doesn't know why Charlotte was acting like this. Then a couple of other children gravitated to Charlotte, getting a little too close-—they really were crowding her. At break time, Mommy gave Charlotte a cookie; other children then came to Mommy for cookies as well. One little guy snuck out of circle, went to our diaper bag, and got the cookies out for himself.
Tonight we met the Kinnersleys at the Mandarin for dinner. We had a lovely visit, catching up with Stephanie, Dave, and Ella—-one of Charlotte’s Chinese sisters; she is such a cutie.
Ella Rose opening her birthday gift from Charlotte
I think this is the first time that we’ve taken Charlotte to a restaurant since we’ve been home from China. Charlotte ate very well, but left a mess on the floor similar to mealtime in China. Of course, Charlotte couldn’t get enough watermelon. She also tried rice pudding for the first time and really liked it.
Today we noticed that Charlotte is giving kisses a little too freely to people we don’t know very well and to total strangers. While waiting to be seated in the restaurant, Charlotte approached an older man and puckered up for him to give her a kiss. This stranger picked up Charlotte, putting her up in the air, and then kissed her on the lips. Mommy’s jaw hit the ground—-she felt totally unprepared to deal with such a situation. I think we’re going to have to find a strategy to deal with this.
After dinner, Mommy and Charlotte enjoyed some quiet time at home, reading stories and playing, while Daddy went out to play poker with his buddies.
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