A few weeks ago, we met one of Daddy’s colleagues in the grocery store and she showed Charlotte how to stack hands. We continued this with Charlotte a couple of days later, but haven’t done it since. Today, while sitting in her highchair, Charlotte grabbed Daddy’s hand and placed it on top of hers. She then grabbed Mommy’s hand and placed it on top of Daddy’s. She then placed her other hand on top of Mommy’s-—we were totally blown away that she would remember this. When we last played this with her, we were putting her hands on ours. We don’t know what sparked this memory and understanding of what needed to be done.
Nana, Auntie Dale, and Kaitlyn came by the house after the church bazaar for a visit and brought pizza for lunch. We had a lovely visit for most of the afternoon. After lunch, Kaitlyn enjoyed playing with Charlotte. During this time, Charlotte went down for her nap and was up before the family left; however, I don’t think Charlotte was ready to get up, as she was rubbing her eyes and wanting to lay down—-perhaps she was just a little out of sorts, her routine a little off, as she went down for her nap much later than usual.
Mommy and Charlotte played and read books while Daddy prepared dinner. Charlotte really enjoys sitting in Mommy’s lap on the floor—-Mommy really likes the closeness shared with Charlotte, especially when reading. For dinner, Charlotte ate salmon for the first time, which she really enjoyed.
After dinner, Daddy and Charlotte played while Mommy went to her craft group; Charlotte and Daddy learned a new trick—-Charlotte stands on Daddy’s feet and then he lifts his feet in the air while holding Charlotte’s hands. The first time Daddy did it, Charlotte’s eyes went buggy and then she let out a big belly laugh; of course, Charlotte continued to stand on Daddy’s feet another 20 or so times. Charlotte went to sleep right at 8 pm.
Clocks go back one hour tonight, so Mommy wonders what time Charlotte will wake up tomorrow morning and how long it will take Charlotte to adjust her internal clock to the time change.
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