Charlotte has become quite attached to one of the blankets in her crib—-I don’t blame her, as it’s super soft; however, she wants to take it everywhere. She reminds me of Linus, one of the Peanuts characters. The blanket is also a little on the large side, so it’s not that easy to drag around, but Charlotte certainly tries to do so. When I got her out of the crib this morning and put her on the change table, she really kicked and screamed until I brought the blanket to her—-I folded it up and put it under her head while I changed her. She became a totally different child with her blanket—-all smiles and full of kisses. When Daddy went to take her into our room for her morning bottle, she wouldn’t allow him to leave without taking her blanket. Daddy wrapped her all up in the blanket and propped her up on pillows to watch a little program while she drank her bottle. She looked so comfortable and was really happy.
Mommy then realized that she got the times mixed up for Charlotte’s classes—-class today is at 9:15, not 10:30, so that brought the leisurely approach to the morning to a grinding halt. Mommy scrambled to get Charlotte ready, while Daddy got himself ready to go. Mommy stayed home to work on meeting a deadline.
Charlotte had a good time at her program—-the focus of the class was music. What a class for Mommy to miss—-she loves music and is really excited that Charlotte expresses quite an interest in music as well. Apparently, Charlotte participated more than usual in the opening song with clapping her hands and stamping her feet. At one of the stations, Charlotte created a couple of shakers and at another, she created a kazoo. The other stations had things that the children could use to make musical sounds, such as pots and sticks.
Charlotte was not tired at all when she got home from her program—-she was revved up and ready to go; usually, she falls asleep in the car on the way home and goes right down for a nap, but not today. Charlotte had a snack and played with Mommy for another hour or so before she finally went down for a nap.
Charlotte and Mommy just started to have their lunch when Daddy came home from having lunch with some of his retired friends. Charlotte gobbled down her lunch of pork roast and rice—-she fed herself for the most part. Charlotte also had some of Mommy’s orange pepper and she seemed to like it. The test will be if she eats more at another time. Charlotte ate a black seedless grape in the grocery store yesterday, but wasn’t that fussy about it today, so Mommy peeled i. Charlotte didn’t really care for the texture, so didn’t eat it. We’ll try another time.
After lunch, we took Charlotte downstairs to play with a new toy that we got for her--a crawling tunnel. Charlotte had a lot of fun crawling through the tunnel when we visited Luannah last Saturday in Peterborough. Charlotte wasn’t all that taken with this tunnel, as it scrunches up when she starts to crawl through, which causes the rest of the tunnel to crash in certain places. Charlotte also enjoyed sitting in one of Daddy’s chairs that move.
Mommy and Daddy made shepherd’s pie for dinner, which Charlotte wouldn’t have any part of. She ate some of the ground beef, mushrooms, and potatoes, but nothing else, which is surprising, as Charlotte likes all the elements of shepherd’s pie served separately, but not when mixed together. Charlotte ate more orange pepper at dinner and liked it. Again, Mommy tried giving Charlotte black grapes, but this time Daddy cut them so that there was only a little skin on each piece—-Charlotte gobbled them up.
Charlotte was actually quite whiny and frustrated easily today. She played a lot with her stacking boxes and became frustrated when she couldn’t get them the way that she wanted, which would result in her throwing whatever was in her hand and then throwing herself around—-tantrums of a toddler, I’m sure.
After supper, we took Charlotte upstairs to play for a little bit. She seemed to be really grumpy, but it was way too early to put her to bed, so Mommy decided it was the perfect time to introduce Charlotte to the big tub in the basement.
Mommy gathered everything we would need to enjoy a family bath in the big tub built for two while Daddy started running the water in the tub--it takes a while to fill because it is so large. As usual, Mommy put way too much body soap in the tub so that when the air jets were turned on, there were bubbles everywhere. Charlotte had a wonderful time in the tub, but tended to want to sit with Mommy. She even got brave enough to stand up in the tub. Charlotte kept putting her face into the bubbles; she would try to wipe away the bubbles with a bubble-laden hand, which put more bubbles on her face. Mommy would just get the bubbles off Charlotte’s face when she would put her hand to her mouth to blow a kiss, getting bubbles all over her face again. After about an hour, when our fingers and toes were all wrinkly, we got out. Mommy gave Charlotte a short massage with lotion before getting her ready for bed.
The bath was timed just perfectly. Charlotte went to bed right at 8 pm. I think she will sleep soundly tonight, as will Mommy and Daddy.
Nice update-thanks. Our first child was so attached to his blanket that I had to take it during his sleep to wash it. Even then, he would often wake up as soon as it was moved. Sounds like she's doing great!