Charlotte was a very charming little girl today—-she was full of kisses and hugs all day long. It was cute to see her pucker up across the room and stick her head out. A rule sort of developed—-if you initiated the kiss, then the receiver had to come to you. Sometimes it wasn’t always possible to get to Charlotte, so we would blow a lot of kisses.
Daddy continues to work with Charlotte to say her name—-Mommy has heard her say something that sounded like it and so has Daddy on different occasions, but not on demand.
Charlotte had a great time in her bath tub; however, Mommy is still struggling to find a way to wash Charlotte’s hair without causing her grief. Charlotte wore her bunny towel for the first time—-she got quite excited talking to the other bunny in the sliding shower door mirror.
After lunch, we went down the basement so Charlotte could play on the riding toys while Mommy did a little more work on her craft area. Charlotte loved climbing up and down on the sofas and the pillows.
Charlotte was rubbing her eyes and seemed tired while Mommy and Daddy were making dinner—-I guess she could have used a little nap this afternoon, but she only got up from her morning nap around 1:30, so we didn’t think she needed one.
Uncle Donny, one of Mommy’s brothers, came for dinner.
We had a nice visit with Uncle Donny and he played Mommy’s guitar for us. Charlotte really loves music; Charlotte was quite interested in the guitar, so Uncle Donny showed Charlotte how to strum the guitar while he fingered the chords—-Charlotte’s first guitar lesson. Mommy wishes she had more time to play the numerous instruments she owns.
At 8 pm, Charlotte kissed everyone good night and was off to bed. Tomorrow we have another busy day.
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